
¯I Site plan
Plan: IFUB* I¯

Office improuv

Office refurbishment for an agile consultancy.

Location: Giesinger Bahnhofplatz 9, 81539 Munich

Year: 2017–2018

Team IFUB*: Bernhard Kurz, Johannes Krohne, Moritz Penker

Client: improuv GmbH

In press: AIT 10/2019

¯I Overview
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
"First impressions count" goes the proverb. The first glance into an office space is often a critical one: new customers or employees can be won or lost here, long-term colleagues are inspired or demotivated. In the new

improuv GMBH office

it was to be made clear at a glance that agile working is not just preached — it is very much practiced! The biggest challenge for the redesign, next to a very short timeframe for planning and implementation: no structural changes were possible — even the floor had already been laid. But with just a little color and a lot of fun, great things could be achieved...
¯I Workbench
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
The entrance area has become the


of the new office. The large workbench with solid birch wood tabletop immediately established itself as a lively central meeting place and is used extensively for a variety of activities.
¯I Kitchenette and Workbench
Photo:Sorin Morar I¯

central hallway

connects the entrance area at the front with the workshop room at the back. The counter is positioned centrally in front of the kitchenette. The blue color, borrowed from the company’s CI, is used for orientation and zoning.
The loosely positioned built-in furniture not only ensures order and an effective use of the oversized hallway: it also hides unsightly structural supports and large ventilation shafts behind its checkerboard panels.
¯I Coffee machine
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
In keeping with the innovative agile coaching that improuv GmbH offers to their customers, a playful


of transparent-coated birch mulitplex panels was developed for the design of the built-in furniture. With this design the integrated coffee machine could also be unobtrusively incorporated into the overall design.
¯I Kitchenette
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
To ensure that cups and sugar can be easily located during customer events,

270° hinges

have been installed on the respective cabinet doors so that when they are left wide open, the doors remain discrete and out of the way.
¯I Kitchenette
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
At improuv (as in every office), the location of the coffee machine serves as an informal meeting place at any time of day. For brief meetings or the obligatory shared cup of coffee, a


was provided.
¯I Container race
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
The stand counter also has a dual function — one half consists of two

wheeled containers

which are fully equipped with glasses and drinks, ensuring the supply for the workshop room.
¯I Hallway
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
In the central hallway, a view from behind reveals the “open back" design of the built-in furniture, which has been utilized to create a small


Here, in addition to many books on modern working, advertising and information material are ideally positioned and made easily available to those passing on their way out from a workshop.
¯I Print niche
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
On the way to the workshop room, one also passes by the

print niche,

which is concealed and yet centrally accessible to all employees.
¯I Workshop room
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯

workshop room,

which is otherwise minimal in its design, was supplemented with magnetic walls and acoustic panels. The mobile storage units can also serve as lecterns and, together with the new chairs, carry the overall design of the office into this otherwise simply-kept space.
¯I Workplace
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯
The smaller


received new, height-adjustable tables with birch multiplex panels, new office chairs in the CI color, magnetic wall panels, and shelving complete with mobile planters.
¯I handle detail
Photo: Sorin Morar I¯


specially developed for the project, incorporate a whiteboard-lacquer interior that can be (re)labeled with normal whiteboard pens.
¯I floorplan before refurbishment
Plan: IFUB* I¯

floorplan before refurbishment

¯I floorplan after refurbishment
Plan: IFUB* I¯

floorplan after refurbishment