
¯I site plan
Plan: IFUB* I¯

Bike Referendum Freising

Visualizations for the Bike Referendum in Freising.

Year: 2021

Team IFUB*: Bernhard Kurz, Marco Bross, Cäcilia Halbgewachs

Together with:
Andreas Kagermeier, Fanny Wirth, Maximilian Trautner, Emilia Kirner

Graphic: Bicycle Initiative I¯
Let’s assume that cars no longer reigned sovereign over urban infrastructure: Could this not result in greater safety and comfort for cyclists and also provide residents (in our case, the residents of Freising) with more beautiful public spaces, greater quality of living, and less air pollution? With these before-and-after visualizations of three select locations, IFUB* shows that even small interventions can create great spaces. And if enough local residents engage and vote for the

Bike Referendum Freising,

then these visualizations could soon become reality!
¯I Mainburger Street
Foto: Fanny Wirth / Visualization: IFUB* I¯

Mainburger Street

is divided into five lanes for vehicle traffic. However, due to a new north-east bypass, the road has lost its function as a supra-local connection and is therefore vastly oversized. Now, cycle lanes at least 2.30 meters wide on both sides of the road – known as protected bike lanes – could easily provide safer routes for cyclists. One possible option would be implementing beacons, as shown here, which are already used widely in Berlin. This would also make it safe and easy for cyclists to overtake each other.
¯I Erdinger Street
Foto: Fanny Wirth / Visualization: IFUB* I¯
A weekly market instead of parking spaces. This principle has already been successfully tried and tested by the residents of Freising with the “Neustifter” Friday marketplace. It has proven that the advantages offered by a local market significantly outweigh those of a few privileged parking spaces. This could also be applied on

Erdinger Street,

where the incorporation of bike lanes and an additional pedestrian crossing would decelerate road traffic and parking spaces could be transformed into a weekly market.
¯I Karlswirt intersection
Foto: Fanny Wirth / Visualization: IFUB* I¯
As is the case for Mainburger Street, the supra-local function of Vöttinger Street will also be made practically defunct as of summer 2021, with consequences not just for the major

Karlswirt intersection.

Of the existing four vehicle lanes, at least one could be replaced by cycle routes. Additionally, by reclaiming the extra lane for cars turning right off Vöttinger Street, space suddenly opens up in front of the "Lindenkeller" café for additional outdoor seating. Moreover, the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street that fronts various snack bars and restaurants could be widened. Reduced congestion and more space for eating-out could transform an unappealing space lacking in amenities into an inviting place to linger.