
¯I Site Plan
Plan: IFUB* I¯

Riesige Rosi

Conversion of a pedestrian underpass into a free-to-use bouldering hall in Munich Ramersdorf.

Location: close to Rosenheimer Straße 238, 81669 Munich

Year: 2023

Team IFUB*: Bernhard Kurz, Marco Bross, Mikus Druviņš

Together with:
Kraxlkollektiv / planning bouldering walls -
filamento / light planning -

Client: DAV Sektion Oberland - Kraxlkollektiv

In press: SZ 26.09.2023, G+L Magazin für Landschaftsarchitektur und Stadtplanung 02/24, db deutsche bauzeitung 04.2024, bauwelt 11.2024
¯I The new free to use boulder gym
Foto: Sorin Morar I¯

The Kraxlkollektiv

describes itself on its own website as follows: "We are a young initiative from Munich, [...] that wants to share its passion for bouldering with other people. Our specific goal is to set up several free and publicly accessible bouldering walls in Munich and thus upgrade unused urban spaces. Although bouldering gyms have opened in many places in the most beautiful city in the world in recent years, there is still a lack of low-threshold facilities that are available to all citizens free of charge and accessible without barriers. [...]" The largest project to date to realise this goal is now located in a former underpass below Rosenheimer Straße. With the help of the IFUB*, but above all with a huge number of volunteer hours, a kind of junkspace has been transformed into a freely usable bouldering hall for everyone.
¯I Rosi before the renovation
foto: IFUB* I¯
Before its conversion, the Riesige Rosi was a relic of the car-friendly urban planning of the 1970s. Intended as an

underpass for pedestrians,

the transport structure quickly became a little-used wasteland and was avoided by most people due to the existing above-ground crossing.
¯I Explanatory borad at the entrance
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
At both ends of the subway, you are greeted by an

explanatory board

with the rules of use. The question of liability was clarified by defining the space as a public playground and approved by TÜV. This makes bouldering at your own risk possible in the first place. On the other side of the underpass, there is also a thank-you board listing all the sponsors and helpers. It is only thanks to a lot of voluntary work and many donations that the Riesige Rosi can be used by everyone free of charge today.
¯I boulder gym
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
As large parts of the ceiling have not only been painted but also pre-drilled, almost the entire length can be used for bouldering. This results in a usable

bouldering area of approx. 700m2.

Different inclinations of the walls make it possible to set boulders of varying degrees of difficulty.
¯I boulder gym
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
The floor of the approx. 70 metre long underground passage was covered with soft, red rubber granulate mats as

fall protection.

This cushions falls and controlled jumps in equal measure.
¯I Graffiti riesige Rosi
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
Local graffiti artists have designed all the bouldering walls not only with the name "Riesige Rosi" but also with lots of varied and humorous


There is a lot to discover, even if you don't go bouldering!
¯I bouldering wall with lockers
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
To enable carefree use, there are lockers integrated into the wall that can be padlocked by anyone. The transition between the ceiling and wall has been designed as a linear

light gap

and provides an excellent, shadow-free view of all handles and routes.
¯I entrance to the riesige Rosi
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
If you use the western

entrance to the Rosi

with a keen eye, you will notice that one of the six exits is no longer usable. This was converted into a storage and technical room by IFUB*.
¯I warehouse riesige rosi
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
Above ground, the warehouse is the only visible sign that something new has been created here. To this end, the existing parapet of the exit was extended upwards and fitted with a simple but striking

gable roof with two canopies.

¯I reuse of old floors
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
As the budget was tight but volunteer labour was available,

urban mining

was carried out for the building materials. For example, floors were removed from a nearby demolished building and recycled as façade material. A wooden tree protection fence was also dismantled and reused for the underlay.
¯I warehouse riesige rosi
foto: Sorin Morar I¯

The former solid wood floor

gives the façade of the new storage shed its very own charm. The door to the storage room was also removed from a demolished building, refurbished by hand and reinstalled. Ecological linseed oil paints were used to paint the doors and windows. This was a good example of how the reuse of materials can be an enhancement rather than a spinning or devaluation.
¯I warehouse riesige rosi
foto: Sorin Morar I¯

The windows

were also saved from disposal and refurbished like the door. The roof is made of inexpensive galvanized steel. The use of recycled material was also planned here, but unfortunately this plan could not be realised due to time and cost constraints.
¯I view into the warehouse
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
The view into the warehouse shows

the former external staircase

with its new roof. A new power connection also had to be laid for the electrics, which has also been installed here.
¯I view into the warehouse
foto: Sorin Morar I¯

The new storage room

has almost sacred qualities. For the shell, the inwardly visible underlay was created from a salvaged tree protection fence and the former lights from the subway were used for the lighting. Only the wooden structure was constructed from new wooden beams.
¯I shelves in the warehouse
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
Even the new shelves were

built from reused materials.

Old formwork beams and other leftover pieces of wood were mainly used here.
¯I warehouse riesige rosi
foto: Sorin Morar I¯
We look back on an intensive time in 2023. Projects in which many people come together on a voluntary basis to realise something good for the general public leave us with a feeling of fulfilment.

Our thanks to everyone

who helped in one way or another to realise this wonderful project. We hope that the resulting friendships will last for a long time to come and that the Rosi will continue to bring joy to the people of Munich for a long time to come.
¯I longitudinal section
plan: IFUB* I¯

longitudinal section

¯I view and cross section
plan: IFUB* I¯

view and cross section

¯I floor plan
plan: IFUB* I¯

floor plan

¯I Landscape plan
plan: IFUB* I¯

Landscape Plan

¯I floor plan
plan: IFUB* I¯

Floor Plan